Jodie Wilmer, Happy Change Makers

Jodie Wilmer Happy Change Makers A complete business transformation Jodie Willmer, Co-Founder of Happy Changemakers, empowers small businesses and changemakers to align purpose with profit and take impactful action. With 20+ years’ experience in the not-for-profit sector, she has supported over 400 organisations through coaching, mentoring, and workshops, driving positive change and community resilience. […]
Alex Coward, The People Factor

Alex Coward The People Factor Enhancing Business Efficiency and Growth Opportunities Alex is an executive-level HR practitioner, facilitator, and coach with a comprehensive background in developing and implementing strategic change programs across a diverse range of sectors including government, healthcare, finance, not-for-profit, and more. Amidst her rigourous schedule and commitments, Alex sought the specialised administrative […]
Janine Staunton, LemonCrush

Janine Staunton LemonCrush From overwhelm to thrive! Janine Staunton, the ADHD mind behind LemonCrush, embarked on a transformative journey with Empire Virtual Support to tackle the challenges plaguing her thriving business. Here’s how she overcame overwhelming tasks, resource shortages, and operational inconsistencies: The Challenges The Solutions The Results Feeling Overwhelmed: Janine was overwhelmed by […]
Colleen Bravery
Infinity and Beyond

How Empire Virtual Support helped Infinity and Beyond Childcare increase sales through a brand new website.
Melissa Grant
Ternity Group

Melissa GrantDirector of Operations Ternity Group improved systems and processes while managing complex customer needs Melissa is the Director of Operations at Ternity Group, a team of antenatal and parenting professionals who support families through pregnancy, birth, and early parenting with three platforms: Nourish Baby, Safe Sleep Space, and Sleep Smart. Overrun by operational tasks, […]
Kim Billington
Counselling Conversations

Kim BillingtonCounsellor and Supervisor Counselling Conversations Upscale and Destress Kim is a counsellor, clinical supervisor and trainer specialising in child and family counselling. For the past 30 years she has provided compassionate counselling to a diverse range of clients, while also currently working as a clinical supervisor with Monash University’s Master’s of Counselling students, among […]
Stella Stead
Above and Beyond

Stella SteadDirector Above and Beyond Consulting Clarity, confidence and composure With over 20 years’ experience in the childcare industry, Stella started Above and Beyond to empower educators into leadership positions, giving them the skills and knowledge to thrive and the confidence to lead outstanding organisations. As the sole operator of Above and Beyond, Stella approached […]
Valerie MacIver

Valerie MacIverDirector Valerie MacIver Public Relations Reclaiming the hours in a day Founder of VMPR, Valerie has more than two decades of experience as a Publicist and Communications Professional, working with some of the biggest names in music and entertainment to publicise tours, album releases, events and more. As her business grew, Val found that […]
Rosanna Pajak
Birth Healing Collective

Rosanna Pajak Rosanna Pajak Psychology and Birth Healing Collective Sustainable growth for two businesses Rosanna is a clinical psychologist specialising in perinatal mental health, supporting women in pregnancy, birth and postpartum. She initially reached out to Empire Virtual Support for some administrative assistance with her private practice, Rosanna Pajak Psychology, in order to give her […]
Ashley McCarthy-Griffiths
Power of Engineering

Ashley McCarthy-GriffithsPresident Power of Engineering Empowering volunteers Ashley is the President of Power of Engineering, a not-for-profit organisation working to increase gender diversity in the engineering industry by empowering young people to embrace their creativity, diversity, and engineering mindset. The organisation runs one-day events with Year 9 and 10 high school students to demonstrate the […]